Thursday 7 March 2013

Small world play

Small world play

Personal, social and emotional development:
  • children are intersted, excited and motivated to learn
  • they confidently play and try out new ideas
  • concentrate and show a range of feeling as they create play scenarios
  • take turns and share
  • make good relationships with others
  • show understanding of how other people feel through the people in their play stories
Communication, language and literacy:
  • enjoy talking and listening to other children as they play
  • enjoy making up their own stories and re-tell some stories that they already know as they play with small world toys
  • they extend their vocabulary
Physical development:
  • manipulate materials and objects by picking up, releasing, arranging and posting them
  • use their small world toys in a co-ordinated way with fine-motor skills
Mathematical development :
  • show an interest in space and shape by making arrangements with objects
  • use size language such as big and little
  • use words about position in space - next to , behind etc
  • solver practical problems eg - the toy falls over, so let's rest it agaisnt the house

Knowledge and understanding of the world:
  • observe, find out about and identify features in the place they live and their natural natural world
  • find out about small world materials and see how things work and can be changed
  • show curiosity, observe and manipulate objects
Creative development:
  • make play scenarios, express ideas, feelings and thoughts
  • engage in imaginative and role play based on their own experiences
  • create different stories alone and with others

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