Thursday 7 March 2013

Construction and block play

Construction is similar to block play, except that all the pieces connect with eachother, whereas blocks balance. In class we have a variety of these types of tools available for the children to play and learn with.

There are many different areas of children's development that are promoted during these types of play.

Personal, social and emotional development:
  • Children are interested, excited and motivated to learn
  • try out new ideas and activities
  • share and take turns
  • build good relationships with other children and adults
Communication, language and literacy:
  • talk as they build
  • listen to eachother
  • make comments and ask questions
  • increasy vocabulary
Knowledge and understanding of the world:
  • find out about materials foam, plastic, wooden etc
  • learning building and constructing
Mathematical development:
  • they develop mathematical language such as : big, small, heavy, light
  • solve practical problems -- is this tower too tall?
  • develop space awareness
Physical development:
  • use blocks with confidence and safety
  • balance blocks with increasing control
  • develop hand - eye co-ordination
Creative development:
  • explore shape, forn, texture and space of blocks and construction toys
  • use senses to explore movement
  • use their imagination to construct

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