Tuesday 10 April 2018

In the garden

The topic- in the garden is a very entertaining topic for children in Kindergarten. It is very important for them to learn about the environment around us : how trees and plants grow and about the lovely insects we can find. This will help them to appreciate nature  more and learn how to take care and respect it.

We are going to focus a lot about the life of a growing seed.

 The parts of a flowering plant are an important scientific concept that will be explored in future school topics too.  At this level, it's important that children of this age understand the function of petals, roots, and leaves.

There are also many beautiful little creatures we can find in the garden :



See the source image



Monday 5 February 2018

People who help us

At school we are learning about the Topic - People who help us

This topic is very important because the children will learn to identify the different Community helpers around us and learn to appreciate and understand their jobs.

We are going to learn about the teacher, doctor, baker/chef, policeman, postman, fireman, hairdresser, driver and farmer.

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The teacher teaches you many new things. (l-ghalliema)

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The policeman always ready to protect you. (il-pulizija)

Doctor woman
The doctor is always ready to help you when you are sick to make you feel better. (it-tabib/tabiba)

The fireman puts off fires to make you safe. (pumpier)

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The hairdresser cuts your hair to make you look neat.
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The chef cooks delicious meals for you. (il-kok)
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The farmer works hard to grow food and animals for you.  

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The postman brings letters to your house. (pustier)

The driver drives to take you to other places.(xufier)