Thursday, 30 October 2014

Who Took the Candies | Halloween Songs

Spooky Pooky | Halloween Songs

The Skeleton Band | Halloween Songs

Halloween Party | Halloween Songs

Knock Knock Trick or Treat | Halloween Songs

Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat? | Halloween Song | Super Simple Songs

There are various activities and printables on Disney junior for this festive season.
 •Halloween activities and games

This a very good game to increase children's memory skills.

This is a fun game to revise words like eyes, nose, ears and mouth which we have been learning in the topic - Myself and to make it even better -- Its a Halloween Pumpkin face!

This link is packed with loads of fun and educational games for Halloween!

•Bubble guppies halloween party game -

Who am I ? Interactive game --

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Crawford's Corner- Crawford Is A "Sneezer Pleaser"

At school we are learning about personal hygiene and how to prevent illness. This is a sweet video clip that explains what to do when you have a cold, so that you don't spread the germs.

Elmo & Rosita: The Right Way to Sneeze!

Did you know ??  This is the right way to sneeze!!


The first Topic we are going to learn about this year is - Myself (Jien)
 Check out from the labels on the right hand side of my blog - Click on Myself and explore all the different information you can find - video clips, printables, activities to do at home, games and more!

Counting with Charlie & The Numbers - Charlie Meets Number 1 - BabyTV

Elmo 1234 - Number 1 - Elmo 123 count with me, Sesame Street Elmo count ...

This is the number 1!